Hi, Hack Defence™ Readers, Before Starting Something new we Have Some Question's in our mind. In this articles we will Discuss about what is Penetration Testing ? why we need it ? Types of Penetration Testing ? Tools used in Penetration Testing ? Penetration Testing Standards ? Penetration tester Certificates ? So this article crucial demonstrate about web Application Testing. if you novi in This Field Must Follow This Article.
What is Penetration Testing ?
Penetration Testing often called pen-testing, Security testing it is a way of testing or attacking your and Client system to find Security weakness. in a same way a hacker would to identify Security holes. of course you do this actually without harming your system or network. it's Purpose is to Secure our important data from outsiders like hackers who can have unauthorized access to system.
A Security test is a method of evaluating Security of computer system, network, web application, methodically validating and verifying the effectiveness of application security controls. application security test focuses only on evaluating the security of a web application. The process involves an active analysis of the application for any weaknesses, technical flaws, or vulnerabilities. a person carrying out a Penetration test is called a Penetration tester or pentester.
Need of Penetration Testing ?
- Finical data must be Secure when transferring between different systems.
- Many clients are asking for PenTesting Because its part of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle )
- To Secure user data from unauthorized client.
- To Test Security Controls (Firewall,dlp) that they are working.
- To Find Security vulnerability and evaluate system security configuration.
Types of Penetration Testing ?
- Manual Penetration Test.
- Using Automated tools.
Manual Penetration Testing :
It’s difficult to find all vulnerabilities using automated tools. There are some vulnerabilities which can be identified by manual Penetration Test
only. Penetration testers can perform better attacks on application based on their skills and knowledge of system being penetrated. The methods like social engineering can be done by humans only. Manual checking includes design, business logic as well as code verification.
Using Automated tools:
Many automated tools are available on internet like as acuntix, Netspark, WebCruiser Web Vulnerability Scanner| Nmap : Network Security Vulnerability Scanner and many more. you can download Scanners free or paid version from particular site. using automated tools you can find all common Vulnerability. automated tools used pairs of payload and test for security miss-configuration. these tools can quickly evaluate the security of systems,networks and applications against a wide variety of threats.
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Penetration Testing Standards ?
- PCI & DSS : Payment Card Industry & Data Security Standards.
- OWASP : Open Web Application Security Project.
- ISO : International Organization for Standardization.
- OSSTMM : The Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual .
Professional Penetration Tester Certificates ?
- HDCPT - Hack Defence™ Certified Penetration Tester.
- LPT - Licensed Penetration Tester.
- PTP - Penetration Testing Professional.
- CISSP - Certified Information System Security Professional.
- WAPT - Web Application Pentesting Training.
- VAPT - Vulnerability Assignment Pentesting Training.
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This blog share complete information on penetration testing and its importance. Here you can find more information on penetration testing training. Thanks